2、音标:英 [kjuːkʌmbə] 美 [kjʊ,kʌmbɚ]。
3、释义:n. 黄瓜;胡瓜。
4、例句:The salmon was brought to the table whole, garnished with parsley and slices of tomato and cucumber. 整条大麻哈鱼被端上了桌,并用欧芹、西红柿片和黄瓜片作为花色配菜。
儿童教育2022-06-15 21:09:23未知
2、音标:英 [kjuːkʌmbə] 美 [kjʊ,kʌmbɚ]。
3、释义:n. 黄瓜;胡瓜。
4、例句:The salmon was brought to the table whole, garnished with parsley and slices of tomato and cucumber. 整条大麻哈鱼被端上了桌,并用欧芹、西红柿片和黄瓜片作为花色配菜。
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