singloudly造句 singloudly造句举例

儿童教育2022-07-06 02:08:19佚名

singloudly造句 singloudly造句举例

Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work?当你要工作,而你的朋友却大声唱歌,你会生气吗?

Because when I sing loudly, I feel very relaxed.因为当我大声歌唱的时候,我感觉非常放松。

I sing, I sing, I sing loudly.我唱,我唱,我大声的唱。

I often sing loudly beside the sea or in my home. My friends and parents enjoy my singing.我经常在海边或家里大声唱歌,我的朋友和父母都享受我唱歌。

I want everyone to sing loudly!我希望每个人大声唱。

They welcome everyone to enjoy thir songs and to sing loudly with them together.欢迎大家来欣赏他们的演唱,并同他们一起高歌吧。

Time the beat and sing loudly.一边打拍子,一边大声唱出来。

He stood up before a whole roomful of people, and started to sing loudly.他站在满屋子的人面前大声唱起来。

He always has a microphone in hand and get ready to sing loudly.他总是拿着一个小话筒,随时都准备放声歌唱。

本文标签: singloudly造句  


