国际禁毒标语英语 国际禁毒标语英语内容

儿童教育2022-08-12 21:05:39佚名

国际禁毒标语英语 国际禁毒标语英语内容

防毒反毒,人人有责。Anti-virus drug,is everyones responsibility

扫除毒害,利国利民。Remove poisoned,and they serve the country.

吸毒是犯罪的祸根。Drug addiction is the root cause of crime

吸食毒品,害人害己。Drug addiction,harm to others

动员起来,打一场禁毒的人民战争!Mobilize,the anti-drug fight a peoples war!

远离毒品 亲近美好人生。Stay away from drugs close to a beautiful life

珍惜您的生命,请远离毒品。Cherish your life,please stay away from drugs

认识毒品危害 提高抵御能力。Raising awareness against drug resilience

大力消除毒品危害 保护人民身心健康。The elimination of the drug vigorously protect people against physical and mental health.

严厉打击毒品违法犯罪活动。To crack down on drug crimes.

本文标签: 国际禁毒标语英语  


