清明节英语作文带翻译 清明节英语作文带翻译怎么写

儿童教育2022-05-31 15:23:09佚名

清明节英语作文带翻译 清明节英语作文带翻译怎么写

1、Rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go...... This solar term of year, we will be in my heart silently reciting the poet tu mus poem in tang dynasty, to express our ancestors thoughts.“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂……”每年的这个节气,我们都会在心里默默地吟诵这首唐代诗人杜牧的诗句,来表达我们对先人的思念之情。

2、This day, we will come to grave, placed a bouquet of flowers, burn some paper money, and wishing you so as to express our loved ones, and in my heart silently pray for them, bless them in heaven can also like us, on the other side of the happiness and lived happily. At this point, we can not help but think of them once and those days we spent together, I can remember all those pictures as if thought of these, I burst into tears.这一天,我们会来到墓前,放置一束鲜花,烧上一些纸钱,借以表达我们对亲人的思念和祝福,并在心里默默地为他们祈祷,祝福他们在天堂的那一边也能够和我们一样,幸福和快乐地生活着。此时,我们不禁会想起他们曾经和我们共同度过的那些岁月,那些画面仿佛还历历在目,想到这些,我不禁潸然泪下。

3、Spring scenery greeted my eyes in the distance, the birds singing in the spring of sonata, creamy TaoGongLiuLu, golden rape, shoots blowing leaves fall, green shoots out long, everywhere is a piece of the scene of spring, all things recovery, which is a season full of expectations and wishes. Tomb-sweeping day, let us in such a special day, we in the memory of the past and at the same time, also want to the future full of hope, cherish life, let oneself life more meaningful, dont use such a beautiful life. Also have a new understanding of the life, let oneself every day was honest, such ability will not let myself regret, and live up to others.远处春的景色映入了我的眼帘,鸟儿唱着春天的奏鸣曲,漫山的桃红柳绿,遍地金黄的油菜花,“嫩芽吹叶落”,绿油油的嫩芽长了出来,到处是一片春意盎然、万物复苏的景象,这是一个充满期望和祝福的季节。清明时节,让我们在这样一个特殊的日子里,我们在缅怀过去的同时,也要对未来充满希望,珍惜生命,让自己的生命更有意义,不要虚度了这样一个美好的人生。还要对生命有一个重新的认识,让自己的每一天都充充实实的,这样才会不让自己遗憾,并且对得起他人。

本文标签: 清明节英语作文带翻译  


