西兰花用英语怎么说 西兰花用英语如何读

儿童教育2022-06-05 10:14:22佚名

西兰花用英语怎么说 西兰花用英语如何读

1、西兰花的英语:Broccoli,读音:英 [ˈbrɒkəli] 美 [ˈbrɑːkəli] 。

2、粗略翻译过来就成了:水管工乔(Joe)不吃西兰花。这确实非常粗略。Rough translation: Joe the plumber does not eat broccoli. Thats very rough.

3、西兰花的营养价值我们都知道,它富含纤维和维他命C,卡路里含量低,同时拥有最高的抗氧化剂评级。Broccolis healthy reputation is well deserved. Its loaded with fiber and vitamin C, low in calories and has one of the highest antioxidant ratings around.

4、食用富含维他命C的食品也能增加铁的吸收,例如青椒,柑橘类水果和果汁,草莓,番茄,西兰花和叶菜。Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as green peppers, citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and leafy greens, also increases iron absorption.

本文标签: 西兰花用英语怎么说  


