
三农助农2022-03-15 06:06:21佚名


  CANADA - A Provincial Livestock Economist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture reports hog markets are beginning to experience the typically rally fuelled by a stronger demand for pork as the result of barbecue season, writes Bruce Cochrane.The Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture's Weekly Hog Market Report, released Tuesday, indicates hog prices have moved higher over the past week.Brad Marceniuk, a Provincial Livestock Economist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, says seasonally, moving into spring and summer, we see declines in hog slaughter numbers while demand picks up with barbecue season and helps move prices higher into the summer when they typically reach seasonal highs.

  布鲁斯·科克伦(Bruce Cochrane)写道,据加拿大萨斯喀彻温省(Saskatchewan)农业部的省级畜牧经济学家报告,由于烤肉季节的缘故,强烈的猪肉需求刺激了生猪市场,市场正开始经历典型的上涨趋势。萨斯喀彻温省农业部每周生猪市场报告于周二公开,表明猪价已在上周走高。萨斯喀彻温省农业部的省级畜牧经济学家布拉德·马塞林(Brad Marceniuk)说:“市场呈季节性的陷入春天和夏天,我们看到生猪屠宰数量下降,而烤肉季节带动需求上升,当达到尤其的季节性高点,将有助于使夏天猪价变得更高。”


