
三农助农2022-03-15 06:16:38未知


  UK - A promise by ASDA that it will increase its fresh pork to 80 per cent British by next year has been welcomed by British pig farmers, who face losses of around 150m in 2016, as a result of low prices caused by Europe’s frozen-pork mountain.ASDA, which accounts for over 16 per cent of the nation’s food and drink sales, also plans to move all its own-brand sausages to British pork by July, in order to improve quality.“We’ll be discussing milestones over the weeks ahead,” said NPA chief executive Dr Zoe Davies. “But if ASDA moves ahead at a brisk pace, it will help keep the British pig sector relatively intact at a time when real-term prices are at their lowest for 16 years.”

  英国阿斯达超市(ASDA)作出允诺,它在明年将增添80%来自英国的清新猪肉,英国猪农对这个允诺表示兴奋。由于欧洲寒冻猪肉大量积压导致价格偏低,英国猪农在2016年濒临大约1.5亿英镑的损失。ASDA占英国食品和饮料销售的16%。为了提高产品质量,ASDA还准备在七月对自有品牌香肠使用英国猪肉。国家猪肉协会(NPA)执行总裁佐伊·戴维斯(Zoe Davies)说:“我们将在未来几周议论里程碑。但是要是ASDA以轻盈的步伐举动,它将帮助英国猪肉行业在16年中实际猪价最低的时候变得更好。”

本文标签: 英国  国家猪肉协会  养猪行情  


