
三农助农2022-03-15 06:27:26佚名


  US - In a recent survey, 82 per cent of pig farmers say they are aware of the upcoming regulatory changes regarding on-farm antibiotic use. And of those surveyed, on average, 71 per cent have a defined record-keeping protocol in place that they follow. That number grows to 83 per cent among the country’s largest pork operations, or those that market more than 80,000 hogs per year.“This level of awareness underscores the real and substantive changes occurring today on how pig farmers use antibiotics on the farm,” said National Pork Board President Derrick Sleezer, Cherokee, Iowa.

  在最近的调查中发明,82%的美国猪农称他们意识到了即将降临的农场抗生素使用管理规定变幻。均匀71%的受访者表示将会适当遵守规章条例。抗生素的使用占美国巨大猪肉业务的83%,每年超过80000头生猪应用抗生素。来自爱荷华州切诺基的国家猪肉委员会主席德里克·司丽泽(Derrick Sleezer)说:“这种程度的认识强调了关于猪农在农场如何使用抗生素的问题的确得到重要改变。”

本文标签: 抗生素  美国  养猪行情  


