
三农助农2022-03-15 06:49:22佚名


  PHILIPPINES - The Department of Agriculture has said that to counter the negative effects of El Nio and the turbulent typhoons like the ones that wreaked havoc in the country, it will give more attention to livestock and poultry production since these are the least affected by inclement weather.Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala said, livestock production during the fourth quarter expanded by 3.72 per cent. It contributed 17.07 per cent to total agricultural output.“All components of the subsector recorded increases during the last quarter, when the other subsectors’ production dipped, that is why we will focus on this and other sectors that are not as prone to the effects of inclement weather,” Mr Alcala said.

  菲律宾农业部门已经宣布对付厄尔尼诺现象带来的负面影响和狂暴的台风在国内造成的损失。由于畜牧业和家禽养殖受到极端天气影响最少,农业部门将给与更多的关注。农业部长亚加达(Proceso Alcala)称畜牧业生产在第四季度增添了3.72%,占农业总产出的17.07%。亚加达先生说:“界辞分组的所有组成部分记录显示上季度产出增添,而其他界辞分组的产出下降,这就是我们关注这一现象和知道其他行业不简单受到恶略天气影响的缘故”。

本文标签: 厄尔尼诺现象  畜牧业  养猪行情  


