
三农助农2022-06-07 18:31:16未知


  US - South Africa is now accepting US pork exports. The National Pork Producers Council, which worked with the Obama administration to convince Pretoria to lift a de facto ban on US pork, welcomed the news.The United States can ship to South Africa a variety of raw, frozen pork, including bellies, hams, loins, ribs and shoulders, for unrestricted sale and other pork for further processing.“NPPC is pleased that South Africa has followed through with a commitment to open its market to US pork. Now, we can sell safe, high-quality and affordable US pork to more than 50 million new consumers,” said NPPC President Dr Ron Prestage, a veterinarian and pork producer from Camden, S.C.

  全国猪肉生产者委员会与奥巴马(Obama)政府合作,说服比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)废除对美国猪肉的禁令。南非允许接受美国出口的猪肉。全国猪肉生产者委员会对这个消息表示兴奋。美国可以通过船运到南非各种原料、冻猪肉、包括猪腹、火腿、猪腰、排骨和猪肩肉。这些货物不限制销售,其他猪肉可用来进一步加工。全国猪肉生产者委员会主席罗恩(Ron Prestage)博士是来自南卡罗来纳州的一名兽医兼猪肉生产商。他说:“南非将遵守允诺,向美国猪肉开放市场,猪肉生产者委员会(NPPC)对此感岛八奋。现在我们可以向超过5000万新的消费者们出售安全、高质、买得起的猪肉。”

本文标签: 南非  猪肉进口  养猪行情  


