使命召唤17僵尸模式技能有哪些效果 COD17僵尸模式技能效果

游戏攻略2022-03-30 12:51:58未知

使命召唤17僵尸模式技能有哪些效果 COD17僵尸模式技能效果


使命召唤17僵尸模式技能有哪些效果 COD17僵尸模式技能效果


  Ammo Mod Upgrades(AATS):特殊子弹升级



  Enemies slowed more(使更多进入冰冻状态)

  Take more damage(增伤)

  Slow duration(冰冻状态持续时间)

  Dead Wire(死线)

  Longer stun(延长眩晕时间)

  Double Damage(双倍伤害)

  Can chain the effect to more am(可以将效果链接到更多的zm)

  [Napalm Burst](凝固汽油弹)

  Increased Effect Duration(增加效果持续时间)

  Double Damage(双倍伤害)

  [Brain Rot](大脑腐烂)

  Explodes on death(死后爆炸)

  Double Damage(双倍伤害)

  Increased Duration(增加持续时间)

  Field Upgrades: (Specialists)(战地升级)(专家)

  [Aether Shroud](以太环绕?)

  Activation instantly reloads weapon.(激活立即重新加载武器?重新换弹?)

  Increase duration to 8 seconds.(延长持续时间至8秒)

  Warp up to 500 units in front of you.(扭曲你前方最多500个单位)

  [Frost Blast](冰冻冲击)

  Lasts longer(增加持续时间)

  Carry a 2nd charge(可充能两次)

  Double size and damage of blast(双倍爆炸范围和伤害)

  [Healing Aura](治疗环)

  All players gain a short regen healing effect(所有玩家获得短暂的生命回复效果)

  Knocks down enemies nearby and stuns special/elite.(击倒范围内敌人并使特殊/精英单位眩晕)(锤学要素察觉)

  Revives allies in area(复活区域内所有队友)

  [Ring of Fire](火焰环)

  Double burn effect(双重燃烧效果)

  Ammo is taken from stock in ring(弹药从环中库存取出)

  Ring blocks projectiles(环状弹丸)

  [Energy Mine](能源矿)

  Double blast size(爆破范围扩大一倍)

  2 explosions instead of 1(触发造成两次爆炸)

  Carry 3 charges(充能3次)

  Perk Machines:(饮料机)


  Movement Impairing effects reduced by 50%(降低50%移动惩罚)

  No Fall Damage(免疫掉落伤害)

  Can run while in ADS(在瞄准状态下快速移动)

  [Elemental Pop](元素流行)

  Reduce AAT cooldown(减少特殊弹药冷却时间)

  AAT uses current upgrade tier instead of base(特殊子弹使用当前升级等级而不是基础等级?)

  Equipment can now have the AAT occur(道具可造成特殊子弹效果)


  Armor Plates give more Armor(提升装甲板带来的护甲量)

  Reduce status effects duration.(减少状态效果持续时间)(应该是debuff)

  Increase health by 100 more. (增加100血量上限)

  [Speed Cola](快手)

  Even faster reload(换弹更快)

  Field Upgrades recharge faster(战地升级充能更快)

  Swap weapons faster(加快切枪速度)

  [Deadshot Daiquiri](死射)

  Higher damage to armored enemies(对装甲敌人造成更高伤害)

  Damage falloff decreased(降低伤害衰减)

  [Quick Revive] (快速复活)

  Crawl faster when downed(加快倒地时被救起速度?)

  Start to regen health faster(生命值恢复速度加快)

  Go to full health after a successful revive (倒地被拉起时自动恢复所有血量)


  +5% Base Damage(增加5%基础伤害)

  +10% BaseDamage(增加10%基础伤害)

  +15% Base Damage(增加15%基础伤害)



